
Pastor Tina Pitamber
Sep 28, 20223 min read
I Am Loved
Love is such a big industry in our country. We sing about love. We write about love. We make movies about love. We like to create gifts...

Pastor Tina Pitamber
Apr 21, 20213 min read
You are Royalty
When we think about royalty we think of kings and queens, carriages and castles, ballrooms and gowns, and tiaras and crowns. In our mind...

Pastor Tina Pitamber
Mar 3, 20212 min read
God Is Present
There will be times in life when we feel like God is not present. We might even say, "God does not care about me." In the moment of...

Pastor Tina Pitamber
Feb 24, 20213 min read
Jesus Is the Answer
This past year we were forced to slow down and think about life. Some of us lost our jobs or had to re-think our financial picture. Some...

Pastor Tina Pitamber
Feb 10, 20213 min read
Shine Like a Star
There is a song by Rihanna that has the following words, “Shine bright like a diamond, shine bright like a diamond. We’re beautiful like...

Pastor Tina Pitamber
Feb 3, 20213 min read
Let Others See Christ In You
When you first give your heart to Jesus you do not set out to be a model to others. All you are thinking is, “Thank you LORD for saving...

Pastor Tina Pitamber
Aug 20, 20205 min read
Restoring a Broken Relationship: Granting and Seeking Forgiveness
“You say you’re sorry! No….. you say you’re sorry!” Does this conversation sound familiar to you? Sometimes, relationships can be hard....

Pastor Tina Pitamber
Aug 16, 20204 min read
God Wants You to be Free from Guilt and Shame in Your Life
Have you ever done something in your life that made you realize later that what you did was a sin? Did that sin produce guilt in your...

Pastor Tina Pitamber
Jun 17, 20206 min read
Heart Check: Do I Struggle with a Racist Attitude?
The world is on a wave. It’s a racial equality wave and if you don’t stop and catch the momentum you might miss it. What is racial...

Pastor Tina Pitamber
Jun 3, 20204 min read
Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit
This past Sunday was Pentecost. The day Christians celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit who is available to those who believe in Jesus...

Pastor Tina Pitamber
May 6, 20203 min read
God Wants You to Have a Rewarding Life
There is a saying in life that “what you put in is what you get out”. How true that saying is because I remember when I was a young girl...

Pastor Tina Pitamber
Feb 29, 20203 min read
What is Real Love?
Oh that beautiful word love. Do you ever feel like the world truly understands what real love is? Seems like the world thinks they...

Pastor Tina Pitamber
Oct 8, 20152 min read
How to Win Your Battles?
3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On...

Pastor Tina Pitamber
Sep 24, 20151 min read
I Am Not Junk
Do you say to yourself "I wish I looked like .... ", "if only I had smoother skin" or "if I could lose 10 pounds" or "I was just funnier...