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Pastor Tina Pitamber

Let Others See Christ In You

When you first give your heart to Jesus you do not set out to be a model to others. All you are thinking is, “Thank you LORD for saving me.” You rejoice in this new relationship you have with Jesus. You feel the joy of salvation and you know you are going to heaven.

But the call to be a follower of Jesus Christ is so much more. God calls us to be like Christ and in doing so we become a model to others and others can see Christ in us.

Jesus says, A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13: 33-34).

Maybe you are thinking, well I don’t’ want to be a model to anyone. Think about it this way, it’s not that you set out to be model, rather as you make it your intentional goal to become like Christ you naturally become a model to others. You impact others and others see Christ in you.

This was the situation in Thessalonica. The people living in that city, heard the gospel news, they received it with joy, and they made changes in their life. As result they became models to others. Their faith in God spread in their city and impacted their world.

I believe that is the call Christ as for each person. No matter where you live, what country you were born in, where God has placed you… let others see Christ in you and let them know you love God.

What does God want others to see in you? We can learn from the converts in Thessalonica.

The church in Thessalonica – had faith, love and hope in Christ (1 Thess 1: 2-4). What about you? Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Do you love others through your actions, words, money, and time? Do you live everyday because of the hope you have in Jesus?

They were empowered by the Holy Spirit (1 Thess 1: 5). They heard the gospel and were convicted by the Holy Spirit and then in turn preached to others. Are you telling others about Jesus Christ? What he has done for you? Are you living by the power of the Holy Spirit who leads, guides, helps, and comforts?

They had joy despite suffering (1 Thess 1:6). When they gave their hearts to Jesus their family and friends would have been offended, betrayed, or hurt by their change in their behavior. But they stuck their ground. They still had joy. Do you have joy in your heart despite what you are going through? Are you willing to lose friends, contacts, or family invites for the sake of Christ?

They followed Jesus and became models to those around them (1 Thess 1: 5-9). When others look at you would they say, “She is different. He does not act like others. There is something different about him or her.” Can others see Jesus in you. Do you smile when you talk to others? Do you hold the door? Do you drive safely on the road? Do you encourage other with your words? Do you give to important causes?

They lived in anticipation for Christ (1 Thess 1: 10). They believed that one day Jesus was coming and they ordered their lives around the coming of that promise. What about you? Are you living your life for Christ and waiting for him to return?

As we live our lives for Christ, others will be impacted by our actions.

Just like a plant that grows under sunlight and water and becomes what it is meant to be, so it is with your walk with God. You will grow as you let the Holy Spirit empower you and take control of your life. Then real change happens. No longer will you be angry, disturbed, worried, hopeless, stuck, bored, fearful, a cynic, jealous, impure, addicted, you name it…. but they will see the fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. They will see Christ in you.

Prayer: Father thank you for my life and for saving me. Thank you that you are good and you want to use me to be a light to others. May I be more and more like your Son, Jesus. Give me the power to be Christ like through the Holy Spirit living in me. May I shine for you. Amen.


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