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Shine Like a Star

Pastor Tina Pitamber

There is a song by Rihanna that has the following words, “Shine bright like a diamond, shine bright like a diamond. We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky.” What is this song about? It’s about two people in a relationship and shining like a diamond. While the words of this are about love, this song rings true in our Christian walk with God.

How so you may ask? Because God wants us to shine among others like a star. But it’s hard to do this when we are distracted by the hardships and worries of life. Or when we may have the wrong attitude.

In Philippians 2:14-16, Paul, a follower of Jesus Christ, wrote a letter to the church saying. Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”[c] Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.

Paul wrote this letter to them because there was a spirit of selfish ambition in the church and he was concerned about their unity. He told them do everything without grumbling or arguing. He warned them not to be like their spiritual ancestors who complained against Moses in the desert and who complained against God.

Have you been complaining lately? About life? Your spouse, kids, work, money?

Have you been arguing lately? Maybe with your parents, kids, friends, co-workers, your boss? And what are you arguing about?

In our walk with God, it is so important that we too do not have that same kind of spirit as the church in Philippi. The reason we shouldn’t complain and argue with one another is because we need to do be a good witness to others. Our behavior, attitudes, the way we carry ourselves can distort our message of hope, love, and faith in Jesus Christ.

That is why Paul says we need to be pure and blameless children in this crooked and warped generation.

Because it matters.

What we say, matters.

What we watch, matters.

What we read, matters.

What we wear, matters.

What we post on social media, matters.

What we think, matters.

What we support, matters.

Because our witness can jeopardize the message of Jesus Christ.

So instead of complaining or arguing what should we do? Shine like a star. The Bible says, “Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life” (Philippians 2: 15-16).

Our walk with God is all about shining for Jesus. There are so may ways we can shine for others. Pick up the trash on the ground when you are at work. Buy your co-worker coffee or tea. Call someone who has been sick for awhile. Make a meal for someone in need. Volunteer at an organization. Donate money for a good cause.

Jesus is calling us to shine like a star. He does not want us to look like the culture. Rather we need to be different from the culture.

Jesus loved, cared for others, obeyed the Father, and shinned like a star. He was different.

What about us? Do we look different from the world?

Are you shinning? And how brightly are you shining?

There is no time like the present. Today make it a point that instead of arguing with someone or complaining about something - shine like a star!

Prayer: Father thank you for this day. Thank you for who you are in my life. I am sorry for having a spirit of complaint and argument. I confess there have been times in my life that I committed this sin. Lord, help me through the Holy Spirit to be a star for Jesus. To shine and to be loving and kind. Cleanse me and give me a spirit of humility and love. I want to be different in the world for you. In Jesus Name. Amen.


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