God Has Something Big In Store for You

Mary was called to be the mother of Jesus. Mary was from Nazareth. Nazareth was not an important city. Mary was poor, she was young, and she was a female. All of these traits make her an unlikely person to be used by God, yet God called her to something bigger than herself – to be the mother of Jesus (Luke 1: 29-33).
This was big, because Jesus was going to be the Savior of the world, the one who would die for our sins, heal us, restore us, and bridge the gap between God and humanity. This was no small calling, it was BIG.
God is also calling you to something BIG. Perhaps God wants you to start a business, to write a book, start a charity, to raise 5 children, to produce a movie or music cd, to plant hundreds of churches.
Whatever God is calling you to do, remember just like Mary that this big thing will include a miracle. Mary had Jesus by the Holy Spirit. Jesus was not conceived by the joining of a man and woman. Hence, the miracle. Jesus came through the Spirit of God. The same will happen for you, your big calling will be accomplished by a miracle (Luke 1: 36).
In fact, if you don’t believe in this big thing that God is calling you to do He can give you a sign, just like he did with Mary (Luke 1: 36-37). He told Mary, that her cousin Elizabeth, who was barren was pregnant in her sixth month. God can give you sign to confirm your BIG calling.
In the end, Mary made a choice and said yes to God’s plan (Luke 1: 38). What about you? Will you choose to say yes as well? If you do, get ready for what God has in store for you.