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I Wish I Spent More Days in Faith Versus Doubt

Pastor Tina Pitamber

In our walk with God, faith is essential. I mean everything is about faith. The Bible says, we need faith to please God (Hebrews 11:6), we live by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7), and the righteous live by faith (Romans 1:17).

Faith is central to our spiritual walk with God. Just like how food fills an empty stomach and money can allow you to purchase things, that is what faith looks like in our life.

But walking in faith is not always easy.

Because sometimes we get discouraged, life is hard, and life is not making any sense. Sometimes we question whether there is even a God.

But faith.

I love it, but at the same time, it aggravates my soul.

When my prayers are unanswered. When I pray for one thing and something else happens. When Satan provokes me. When the voices around me distract me from God’s plan instead of faith, I spend more days in doubt. Anger rises in me. Frustration takes over. Discouragement begins to speak louder than the voice of God.

One day of doubt becomes two days. Two days becomes a week. One week becomes a month. And one month can become pockets within a year.

Back-and-forth I go. Faith one day, out the next. Joy momentarily, the next moment sadness sets in. The exhilaration of what God is doing in my life, complete devastation of no movement.

This tug of war between faith and doubt is ongoing.

And I have been guilty of spending more days in doubt than believing and trusting a faithful God.

I have even accused God of not loving me. I even said to God, “you must not know what you’re doing. because if you did my life would look differently.”

But that’s not how faith talks, that’s the voice of doubt. And when I catch myself, I realize I desperately want to be like Abraham in Romans chapter 4 says “Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God,”

(Romans 4:20 NIV)

You see faith is a choice. We have to choose God over the circumstance we are doing through. We have to choose hope over pain. We have to choose God’s perfect time over our time.

And in doing so our days are filled with faith versus fear, anger, frustration, bitterness, and hopelessness.

And this is what gets us up in the morning. This is what allows us to be creative in life. This is what gives us hope. This is what moves us from an earthly dimension to a spiritual one when we pass on to glory. It’s faith.

Without it, we are lost but with it, there’s so much in store for us.

How are you spending your days lately?

Has doubt been sucking your joy and leaving you lifeless in a very broken world?

Or are you allowing faith to keep you alive and letting the voice of God penetrate your heart to carry out the plans and purposes for your life?

You get to choose. Let us choose wisely. Let us say goodbye to doubt and hold on to the power of faith.


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