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God said No to Your Prayer, But He Saying Yes to Something Better

Pastor Tina Pitamber

I can remember the time I applied to enter pharmacy school and I was not admitted, I was disappointed. I can recall the many times I have prayed for individuals to be healed and God said no and I was hurt. I remember the prayers in my life where God said no.

Have you ever wanted or desired something so baldly that you believed it was God’s will for your life but only to have the door close on you?

King David understands how we feel. David desired to build a temple for God because the ark was in a tent, however, God said no to David (2 Samuel 7). In David’s mind, his plan and his intentions were good but according to God, it was not. It was a flat-out NO.

I don’t like the no from God because in my mind my plan is good and makes sense to me. Sometimes I have grieved over the no. Other times I have been discouraged and been sad over the no’s from God. Perhaps I even stayed in the space of no longer than I should have.

David could’ve been stuck and grieved over the no. But if you read the rest of the story something amazing happens. Yes, God said no to his plan but he said yes to something else. God says yes to something greater. Far greater than his imagination could span.

God revealed to David that his throne would be eternal. That his kingdom would last forever. What was God talking about? God was referring to the fact that Jesus Christ was going to be coming from the line of David and how Jesus’ kingdom was eternal.

David did not know that was God’s plan for him included Jesus Christ but once he received the news he was humbled and worshipped God. He also said to God “do as you have promised” (2 Samuel 7: 25).

This reminds us that when God says no to one petition, he is saying yes to something else. Perhaps God said no to a relationship that was broken but a yes to someone new. Maybe he said no to healing someone you prayed for but yes for that person to enter eternal life with Christ Jesus.

It’s the time to release the no in our lives and embrace the yes that is present and coming. It is time to get excited about what God has in store for us. Because just like for David it is something beyond our comprehension and imagination.

And when God has revealed that yes to us let us be like David and praise him for what he’s going to do. Just like David, we need to say to God do as you have promised.

That promise can be so many different things in our lives. The promise of marriage, children, property, job, health, peace, writing a book, producing a song, being speaker, whatever it is let us be like David and say do as you have promised.

Whatever you’ve lost, has hurt you, or has been your disappointment God can turn into your biggest joy, happiness, and your greatest blessing.

Get ready. Because God said no to your prayer, but he is saying yes to something else and that something else will surpass your expectations and your biggest imagination.

Prayer: Dear God, help me to accept the closed doors in my life and embrace the ones you are opening and want for me. I want to live my life according to your plan and your way. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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